What can I do for you?
At first blush it may appear that I am a generous person wanting to extend a kindness.

In reality, though, I am a quiet person who attracts people who need me to change so that they can stay the same. I find myself somehow being other than I am in order for you to feel more comfortable being who you are.
This isn’t working for me anymore.
I realize that relationships, by definition, involve give-and-take.
I simply want to meet more people who have a greater capacity to “give.” I need to develop my own capacity to “take.” And by “take” I mean, ask for what I need and want; and do so without guilt, apology or hesitation.
I long to meet more people who are open to a person as quirky and distinct, garrulous and interior, intimate and embracing as I am. Fiercely intellectual, passionately spiritual, expressively sexual, and playfully social.
What gifts can we give to each other, my new friends? And give to each other freely, thoughtfully, generously, creatively, and continuously?
It is not so much an issue of what I can do for you versus what you can do for me. It is… what can you and I do for “we”?